Hello friends..
Today I am giving you a very nice and working trick.Since all of you guys already know that my all tricks are always work because these tricks are personally made by me.
Now a days airtel sim blockage is very general.Airtel sim blocks when you guys use free internet and exceed the limitation i.e 100 MB. So I already suggested  that don't use more than 100 MB.
Don't be afraid guys from blocking because we have this trick.

I have giving this trick in text form.
Download this trick from here:

Note: For download this file tick captcha and wait for 5 second then skip ads.

Download here


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  1. Downloaded this file but can not read this trick pls send me this trick in email
    Id is 'ayadav116@Gmail.com'

  2. Dear admin pls solve my problem
    Till yesterday I was using airtel tcp trick since 2or 3days but after recharge my sim with 3g pack(25=60 mb) and using only around 36 or 40mb
    My sim get blocked
    Pls provid me unblocking trick

    1. Hey avinash...For unblocking sim i gave a trick above in text form..open it with notepad..
      And i also tell you you that don't use tcp trick on recharged pack.(Becoz data deducts from pack).For unblocking recharge with 26 rupee with 80 MB data and follow the steps as I give in the file..Its work for me..

  3. Hey bro how to unblock my airtel sim l am from west bengal. ........please help me.....

